Hi Y'all.
We've had a very good past few days of training along with a bit of fun!
Here's a quick summary:
Sunday: fast racing by the team. a nice win by A-Russ in the overall men. The juniors all rocked. Race results are here: http://www.tritucson.com/results/TUTres08.htm
Monday: regeneration/recovery day. a.m. 2.5 hr base ride - Old Spanish Trail
p.m. 4.5k tech swim Ft. Lowell pool. St. Paddy's Day dinner and party at the girls house. Kerry, Rachel, Christine and Rebecca cooked up a fine dinner of salad and shepherds pie. A few leprechauns appeared for some entertainment and fun. We have a few videos that could make their way on this blog or youtube.com ?!
Tuesday: a.m. swim Ft. Lowell pool, speed set 40 x 50 main set (1 fast, 1 ez). Rebecca wins the fire duck for some good stroke corrections. Team Sask and coach Ross-Ann joins us for regular training. Nice group
p.m. 3.5 hr bike, for most of us it was our first look at the famous Mt. Lemmon. w/up of 45' then 45-60' of steady state riding up the mountain. For some it may have been a bit harder than SS. We'll be back Mt. Lemmon.
Wednesday: a.m. swim Ft. Lowell pool, set up long course, 5 x 500 in draft packs of 2 or 3 main set, very good effort all around. a.m. 90' bike base OYO.
p.m. Fartlek run at the University of Arizona. We used the grass loop that was part of the Sunday race. Most found it quite hot so we shorted up the set. 5/2, 4/2, 3/1, 2/1, 1/1, as work/rest, then repeated from 3/1. Good heat training prep for Mazatlan.
Thursday: it's regeneration day. we have a 2 hour base ride this morning followed by a 4.5 km regeneration swim, short course at Fort Lowell.